Episode 34: But he seemed so nice; he totally did!

Across the centuries of humanity's existence, there have always been tales of adventurers seeking glory, ships of great destiny, and quests of vital importance. These tales spark something within us that yearns for greatness and the salt spray of the ocean. In this evening's episode, we will find....

...wait. That's my Masterpiece Theater voice. Whoops! Yeah, so our adventurers are headed to a port town to find a shipwright to build them the airship from the plans they received during a vision of the Raven Queen. That's totally normal, right? Happens to a lot of people. It totally does. Let us join them as they travel coastward in search of their mighty quest. (I let a little more Masterpiece slip in--it has a way of sneaking up on me.)

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Episode 33: Turn up the Salt; Turn up the Sass

Wow. "Discussion" abounds as the Wreckateers try to figure out where to go next for their supreme quest. Things escalate a bit and people get a bit snippy with each other. A decision is reached, though! And then a person is met. At a place. And they head to another place and meet another person. Then there are some events. #synopsispro


Send feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com
Visit the Wiki: http://thatdndpodcast.wikia.com

Episode 31: Some Things You Can't Unread

We are back from our short 5e hiatus! The wreckateers are back in action after some distressing events around town. One back thing happening doesn't mean other bad things won't! Some good happens here as well as the discovery about some less good. Give it a listen!

Send feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com
Visit the Wiki: http://thatdndpodcast.wikia.com

Episode 30: Synergizing Management Paradigms

This episode mostly deals with the after effects of the previous episode. Almost like these things follow a progression events or something! Crazy, right?
Also, we would really like it if you could go to our website and leave us a comment to let us know how you found us. Thanks!


Send feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com

Episode 27: My Horse is Amazing!

We rejoin the party after their heroic -INSERT ACTION- at -INSERT PLACE-. In this episode, you will see lots of -INSERT ACTIVITY-. We hope that you -INSERT SYNONYM FOR ENJOY- it! Please contact us if you have any questions or tips or comments!

Send feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com

Episode 20: A Victor Emerges

It's time for the thing that you've all* been waiting for! This is the individual tournament in its entirety. The tournament brought about some ire from the party. Hopefully you like it more than some of them did? Things will be different in the group tournament! But let us know what you thought of it!

*All may not include everyone. It may not include anyone!

Also don't forget, we are still taking sign-ups for our listener mini campaigns! 

end feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com

Episode 19: Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?

Time for some down time before things heat up in the arena! The preamble to the tournament took a little bit longer than I expected, but I think it's a good listen. Hopefully you like listening as much as we liked shooting it. 

Also don't forget, we are still taking sign-ups for our listener mini campaigns! 

Send feedback to: ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com
Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com