Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -21- We're going to the zoo! You can come, too!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -21- We're going to the zoo! You can come, too!

Welp, we’ve made it the end goal of the road trip in the stolen car. A lot has happened and some things got chaotic, as they should. It’s time to go into the big cat container. Let’s roll!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -20.b- I did a wedding and not an episode

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -20.b- I did a wedding and not an episode

Hello, fair listeners! Usually this lovely download would be an episode full of hijinks and explosions and definitely running the plot right off the rails, and yet, it is not. I’m afraid your favorite editor had a week filled with teacher in-service getting ready for the first day of hybrid school this past Friday, as well as planning a small let’s-do-this-during-plague-times-the-day-after-school-starts-it’ll-be-fine wedding. And so, because I have not yet managed to build up the buffer we lost a couple of years ago, and I did not have time to finish editing the one I started, you will be forced to wait until next Monday to find out what happens next to our band of ninja-fighting mutants with the stolen car. I hope everyone is staying safe and well. Find ways to connect with each other this week. And there will be a new episode up bright and early next Monday morning!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -20- And now it's time to head to the zoo!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -20- And now it's time to head to the zoo!

We escaped the cops! We’re driving fast! But this may be a bait car? Time for some 89s-ass manuevers! Whoooo!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -19- I mean, I keep my keys behind the visor; don't you?

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -19- I mean, I keep my keys behind the visor; don't you?

Well, here it is: late, but featuring glorious 80s everything! Enjoy!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -18- The van is careening down the road and swarming with ninjas!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -18- The van is careening down the road and swarming with ninjas!

And we’re back to the 80’s, mutants, careening vans, and synthwave! Last time, there were a bunch of cat ninjas on the back of the van. This time, there are still cat ninjas on the back of the van! Time to make some great decisions about cat ninjas on the back of the van!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -17- This episode is about a train heist now?

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -17- This episode is about a train heist now?

Y’all, I can’t even keep up with what game this group is playing anymore. Apparently we’re all dabbling in westerns and train heists now. Of course, as your friendly neighborhood editor, I did think long and hard about changing the opening song to match, but you know they might change it up again next week! So no! No changing songs or season titles!

But anyway, enjoy the change of pace and the gunslinging action!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -16- Yeah, I'm gonna put this van in reverse.

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -16- Yeah, I'm gonna put this van in reverse.

When we last left our roam-tripping team, they were in need of some auto parts. Let’s find out if that works out for them or if there’s more fire and swords in store!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -15- Those were cat ninjas, right, that we repulsed?

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -15- Those were cat ninjas, right, that we repulsed?

Let’s talk about Venom and Cats and how technology is super weird sometimes and whether *69 (nice) or 911 existed for our band of mutant marauders! (Okay, I know they aren’t marauders really, but I was really looking for some alliteration here.) And we’ve got a road trip through nowheresville next! Time for some giant cell phones and stealth rolls!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -14- Shut the fridge door!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -14- Shut the fridge door!

Okay so we’ve got a burning barn, a lynx ninja, a gunfight with a sword, and chaaaooooos! Sounds like a good time to find out what’s next!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -13- Aaaw! He didn't land on his feet!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -13- Aaaw! He didn't land on his feet!

Well, last week ended with some excitment and a montage of chaos. And now we’re back to that barn. You know from way back a few episodes ago. It’s time for some fire and some ninjas. You know that’s what you were hoping for!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -12- "This Might Hurt a Little Bit" is our motto

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -12- "This Might Hurt a Little Bit" is our motto

Okay, so the Macguffin is a suitcase full of drugs. Somehow there are large cats and reptiles involved. Jolene. And now let’s add a mascot costume and some added Gary/Jerry confusion. Somehow we’ll get back to the small-town news. And maybe even TMNT. Maybe.

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -11- I thought he was the one in the mascot costume!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -11- I thought he was the one in the mascot costume!

Okay, so the Macguffin is a suitcase full of drugs. Somehow there are large cats and reptiles involved. Jolene. And now let’s add a mascot costume and some added Gary/Jerry confusion. Somehow we’ll get back to the small-town news. And maybe even TMNT. Maybe.

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -10- Wait, is it Gary or Jerry?

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -10- Wait, is it Gary or Jerry?

And we’re back! Welcome back to small town reports have a MacGuffin in the closet and lots of personality! We’re going somewhere with this and y’all are all along for the ride! Whoo!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -09- Put the MacGuffin in the closet, and let's go!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -09- Put the MacGuffin in the closet, and let's go!

I don’t even know what’s happening now. This is the pivot part where we try a whole different thing in the same universe and also there’s a metal briefcase and small town reporting personalities. Let’s see where this ride takes us!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -08- Look, I'm not a monkey; I'm an orangutan.

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -08- Look, I'm not a monkey; I'm an orangutan.

We survived the exciting flashback! We all had typical diner food. ..okay, to be fair, I do love a good tuna melt…. Anyway! We’re all ready for EXTRA SURPRISING DERAILING HIJINKS and finding out who comes from the smallest town!

Also, this episode and the next are a little shorter than usual—it was either shorter or extra long, and based on it being the last two weeks of school, you get the turned-this-book-into-two-movies approach. Whoo!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -07- And now we have our good good flashback!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -07- And now we have our good good flashback!

We open in a diner. Getting normal, diner things like tuna melts and pancakes. As it happens, a small movement, a question, a guesture, leads to an exciting flashback opportunity. Will we all survive?

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -06- This is definitely going to explode because it's the 80's.

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -06- This is definitely going to explode because it's the 80's.

Orangutan in trenchcoat bops mook with steering wheel! Explosion! Snake with hat on glances around! Explosion! That dog catcher thinks about calling for backup! Explosion! Now it’s an action movie!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -05- Two Super Scary Mutants and Some Mooks!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -05- Two Super Scary Mutants and Some Mooks!

We’ve got some mutants, some dog catchers, some van crashing, and maybe a mook or two! It’s time to get this breakout done!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -04- What's the 80's thing? Okay, let's do that!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -04- What's the 80's thing? Okay, let's do that!

We’ve got some science experiments and some 80s-ass references. It’s time to plan our starting moment! So the question is, more explosions and car chases or even more explosions and car chases? Time to find out!

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Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -03- We are right now just doing everything we can to not be caught!

Those Mutant Ninja Wizards -03- We are right now just doing everything we can to not be caught!

It’s time to finish meeting our characters and establishing what’s going to happen next. Next week we should be back to more normal length episodes, which I’m sure all you listeners will be glad about since so many of us are sitting at home and washing our hands a lot! Let us escape to Mutant Universe!

Stay safe, y’all!

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