Dungeon World 3: Whistler on the Roof

Dungeon World 3: Whistler on the Roof
That DnD Podcast

So, there is a bit of a gap between episode 2 and this one. We had some big time computer issues with the main recorder's computer and lost a whole session's worth of audio and video. Make sure you listen to episode 2.5 before this one so that you know what's going on a little bit better. 

Rest assured we have taken steps to prevent it from happening in the future, but we are real sorry for the blunder on our end. Totally not intentional and we are just as bummed about it as you are, if not moreso. 

ANYWAY, about this episode. The gang is back in First Conquest and are doing different things around town. They come together and are offered a unique job. Will they take it? What dangers will it hold? Listen and find out

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